Uncover the Stressors Weakening Your Nervous System
Assess and unblock the nervous system—your body’s coach, messenger, and sensory apparatus.
What is Applied Kinesiology?
While we go about our days here in New York City, the autonomic nervous system silently—and subconsciously—keeps us breathing, propels our bowels, and sustains countless other bodily functions. Through a biofeedback-enhanced physical exam called “autonomic response testing,” developed by Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D. Ph.D, and Louisa Williams, DC ND, we use the wiring of the nervous system to gauge if your system is in a state of harmony and regulation, or dysregulation and stress.

Manual Muscle Testing
Find muscle weaknesses that indicate underlying structural, muscular, chemical, and mental issues.

Nutrient Status
Identify nutritional depletion and shortcomings that might be causing health issues.

Therapy Localization
A diagnostic method we commonly use for locating dysfunction in the body.
Check in On Your Inner Harmony
Often, we see NYC-based patients who have searched far and wide for the cause of their ailments. Chronic disease, such as Lyme. Fatigue and generalized pain. Using the various diagnostic methods that are part of applied kinesiology, we can find and treat some of the common autonomic nervous system blockers.

Food Allergy
Our testing can reveal neuromuscular responses indicative of underlying and undiagnosed food hypersensitivity.

Internal and external scar tissue caused by surgeries, medical procedures, and trauma can affect nearby nerve function.

Chronic Infection
Many silent, occult infections can evade testing and go unnoticed. Through the proven methodologies of applied kinesiology we can pinpoint the source of chronic infection.

Heavy Metal & Chemical Toxicity
There might be high levels of heavy metal toxicity, plastics, pesticides, glyphosate, or mold quietly plaguing your nervous system.

Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction
Out-of-tune TMJ function can cause clicking and popping, headaches and other pains. It’s a commonly undiagnosed condition that our autonomic response testing can track.

Psycho-Emotional & Electromagnetic Stress
Our resting often reveals agitated psychologies, emotions, and electromagnetic fields—common root causes of ongoing health problems.
Restore Nervous System Function and Get Feeling Good Again
We see it all the time: people living with chronic disease, or mysterious symptoms, that they can’t seem to get on top of. They’ve tried everything, from rounds and rounds of powerful antibiotics, to costly labs and medications that achieve poor results. Applied kinesiology can help you finally find the true root cause.
Find the Root Cause of Chronic Health Issues
Our goal is to bring your nervous system back to a balanced state, as opposed to placing an external bandaid on what’s really a deep internal issue.
Avoid Expensive Ineffective Labs
Before making prescriptions or ordering labs, let’s get a baseline understanding of what’s going on with your body’s nervous system.
Identify the Right Treatment
Imagine if the help you need has little to do with antibiotics, and more to do with addressing heavy metal toxicity, diet, and lifestyle?
Now Accepting New Applied Kinesiology Consultations in NYC
Appointments now available for functional medicine consultations here in New York City, including immunology and applied kinesiology. Contact us today to begin your journey toward a harmonized central nervous system.