Judy Aguirre
Colon Hydrotherapist
“Be kind, be curious, always” is a lifestyle quote that Judy Aguirre has integrated into her personal life as well as her career in holistic medicine.
Judy has been working as a colon hydrotherapist for over twenty five years. She received her certification from Wood Hygienic Institute in Florida.
A misconception Judy has run across during her time as a colon hydrotherapist is patients often assume colonics are solely meant for digestive or gut issues. However, that is not the case. Colon Hydrotherapy can improve your overall health.
Judy’s holistic medicine journey began after many years of suffering multiple health issues with no successful treatments. She turned away from allopathic medicine and put her heart and learning into experiencing and practicing integrative medicine modalities with a focus on detox, and how the body has the power to heal itself.
Dedicated to learning all she could, Judy received her certification as a Natural Health Professional in 2008 from Trinity School of Natural Health. She certified in reflexology and detox ear acupuncture. Additionally, Judy received training to be a raw food educator and Reiki practitioner.
Looking to incorporate nature into healing, Judy trained in shamanic and crystal healing as well.
When she isn’t devoting all her time to healing humans in a deep, multi-modal way Judy enjoys traveling, listening to music, soaking in nature, and reading.